Scott Alan's "nothing more" set for release, opens presale

Songwriter Scott Alan has been hard at work at Dubway for the past few months with engineer Violette Furton, finalizing tracking and mixing on his newest album. Now that a release is scheduled, we’re thrilled to share that the project, titled nothing more, is up for presale!

From the artist’s website:

Acclaimed songwriter Scott Alan & musical director Ben Cohn (Dear Evan Hansen; Wicked) team up for a new album celebrating the first two years of Scott’s daughter, Alex Vivian’s, life. Filled with soaring orchestrations and harmonies arrangements by Cohn, “Nothing More” celebrates the unconditional relationship between parent and child. Featuring celebrated gay and trans dads from the entertainment industry, “Nothing More” marks a monumental collaboration between Alan and Cohn. The package also contains a second CD of all 11 song instrumentals not available on digital or streaming platforms.

Congratulations to Alan and the entire crew of these sessions!